Young Voice英语广播

Young Voice英语广播:2022(23)为什么要开始写日记?

通讯员:张欣冉    编辑者:陈三    发布时间:2022年05月09日    阅读:    

大家好,这里是湖北理工学院外国语学院英语调频广播台,我是主播张欣冉。你喜欢回忆往事吗?你是否担心随着时间的推移会忘记过去的点点滴滴?不妨在忙碌间抽出片刻写篇日记,记录生活中的美好或失意。本期“随身英语” 节目讨论写日记带来的种种好处。


scribble /ˈskrɪb(ə)l/匆匆写下

detail /ˈdiːteɪl/详细描述

scrawl /skrɔːl/ 潦草地写

formulate /ˈfɔːmjuleɪt/ 确切表达,构想

consolidate /kənˈsɒlɪdeɪt/ 巩固,加强

cathartic /kəˈθɑːtɪk/ 释放情绪的

squiggle /ˈskwɪɡl/ (写或画的)弯弯扭扭的线条,点点画画

doodle /ˈduːd(ə)l/ 随手涂画

caricature /ˈkærɪkətʃʊə(r)/ 漫画,讽刺画

Why should you start journaling?


For many of us, a work diary is a practical thing. We use them for work to make a note of appointments or meetings, scribbling words next to dates to remind us of something we have to do in the future. But journaling is more about feelings. It’s a personal diary, often kept far from prying eyes, sometimes detailing our secrets and desires.


But, when it comes to feelings, what are the benefits to writing things down?


Sometimes it can be difficult to say exactly what we’re feeling. Because of anxiety or frustration, it can be tricky to put your problems into words. For some of us, putting pen to paper and jotting down our thoughts is a much easier process than saying them. But it’s not just about the ease of scrawling words.


Writing things down can actually help us to formulate ideas, consolidate emotions, and understand our feelings. There’s something cathartic about making sense of something that is stressing us, annoying us, or getting us down. Writing a narrative of events or a series of words about what is on your mind can help you to focus, and is comparable to a form of meditation. And journaling isn’t just limited to words.


Why not include squiggles, doodles or pictures of what’s happening in your life? Maybe the thing that is annoying you most could be best summed up by a caricature. In short, journaling is good for your mental health.


Another thing to consider is that our memories fade over time. What is clear in our minds today may just be forgotten a few years down the line. Logging what’s happening in our lives could trigger memories when we read our diary entries back in years to come, or could act as an insight into our past selves. We can see our development, or be reminded of exciting flashpoints in our lives.


The person who was annoying us and you drew a doodle of five years ago may now be a close friend, or something that you were once scared of may now seem funny.


So, if you have something on your mind, it might be good to get things written down. And if something exciting happens, writing about it may help you to remember that wonderful time!


A diary is a hole in a tree that can't talk. You can talk to yourself. Since you can't tell others about something, you can tell it to yourself. It's like today, I accidentally found something that has opened the scar in my heart for a long time. Those beliefs we thought were not what you thought. Then the spiritual beliefs you believed in suddenly collapsed. We even regret knowing these truths!


Keeping a diary is about recording life, "We must live, we must love, we must believe that there is still a lot of good that can happen to us.



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