Young Voice英语广播

Young Voice英语广播:2022(13)单滑雪运动员苏翊鸣的奥运冠军之路

通讯员:邹昊宁    编辑者:陈三    发布时间:2022年04月04日    阅读:    









China's Su Yiming wins

Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics men's snowboard big air gold

You just made history last week,becoming the first ride air from China to ever win a big acompetitin.What’s remarkable is that you’re only 17 years old and you’ve been training with the Chinese national team for the last three years.I'd like to...I’d like for you to share with everybody a little bit of insights into your athletic training and what it takes to be an Olympic,an Olympian you know like yourself.I mean I’m sure you’re having a lot of time on the snowboard,you know,obviously training on the mountains but probably a lot of time in the gym.Take us through,you know,what it takes to bean Olympian.


 To win the world cup last week,it feels really incredible for me.It feels like a dream come true but actually this is my first time making it to final at the world cup and then so happy I can win.Still,like , cannot believe until right now.


I was start riding when I was four years old because my parents all like snowboarding.So when I was young,nobody take care about me,so they take me to the mountain,I start riding snowboard.Even for the first time,I already like in love with this sport,so I want to do more and more .So I start like hitting the jumps from the like really small jump and the rails .


And until like I think 14,15, I decide to be this pro snowboarder and have a dream for Olympic games.Then I start training a lo, almost spend like 320 days like every years focus on snowboarding . And I met my coach , then we start training together and we are kind of like hard worker.I almost gonna be the first people go up to the mountain and then training until the sun come down and until the like jump close,it,it’s been a really good like two years for me.


I learn a lot every day trying to learn like new tricks and once you like focus on you ... what you do and finally you get this trick .That feeling is just incredible.I never feel that on other sports .I think that’s why I like snowboarding so much .Then I start doing some small competition like ... it’s not even the world cups right,trying to get points on a world cup,finally now I have a chance to be on a world cup.


It feels really good.And I also ... I spend a lot of time in gyms because you know we are hitting the big jumps,once you land that’s a lot of pressure for your body So you got to make stronger,you got to hold the power to me.Then the clean landing is really important for us so I want to make sure I got enough power, make sure clean landing,get good points.That’s how I train like gym , airbags and on the mountain like back and forth.



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