Young Voice英语广播

Young Voice英语广播:2022(30)谈谈缓解容貌焦虑

通讯员:邵俊铷    编辑者:陈三    发布时间:2022年05月30日    阅读:    

大家好,这里是湖北理工学院外国语学院英语调频广播台,我是主播邵俊铷。不知从什么时候开始,一些企业使用诸如“only by becoming prettier can you be more loved”只有变漂亮,才能更受欢迎的广告语来传播容貌焦虑。根据新华社报道,许多美容中心直接向青少年打广告,鼓励他们“make some change and let your classmates be amazed by your beauty in the new semester”做出一些改变,在新学期用你的美貌惊艳你的同学。还有一些诊所低价诱导客户。比如宣传15元治疗青春痘,但美容师给她提供的一年治疗方案,价格高达8000元。那么关于容貌焦虑,我在网上看到许多治愈的言论,今天就让我来分享给大家吧!



Prone [proʊn]adj有做…倾向的;俯卧的;易于遭受

self-derogation ['selfderəɡ'eɪʃn]自我贬损

prominent [ˈprɑːmɪnənt]adj重要的;著名的;杰出的;显眼的;显著的

reconcile [ˈrekənsaɪl]vt调和;使配合;使和解;使和好如初;将就;妥协


aesthetic [iːs'θetɪk]adj审美的;美学的;有美感的;n.美感;审美观

How to deal with facial anxiety


Firstof all, I think the media and advertising need to take this responsibility. The stars we see on the screen are all filtered and flawless. And advertisements constantly remind us that we are not perfect, and only by buying their products can we become as beautiful as the models shown on the screen. Advertising and media not only sell goods but also sell anxiety. The constant output of information can imperceptibly influence every person living in the network information age. Most people are not aware that many of their ideas have unconsciously accepted abnormal aesthetics.


It's hard not to look anxious when we seem to be constantly reminded of our imperfections, but there's no way we can be independent of our social environment. But we can create our own set of standards for what is meaningful to our own health and shift the aesthetic dimension to the health dimension.


Beauty should not be defined, the world, there is not only one kind of beauty, so girls, do not have to pursue the same beauty and to solidify yourselves, to be confident, to have your own identity.


Facial anxiety is essentially a symptom of low self-worth. People with a low sense of self-worth are prone to self-derogation. They are not only dissatisfied with their appearance, but also with their skin, body shape and living conditions. However, their appearance is more obvious, and they are easy to become the focus of dissatisfaction. Therefore, the focus of adjustment is to improve the sense of self-worth, improve the level of self-esteem and self-confidence, the best way is to do things, do what you should do at present, do it little by little, as you become more and more confident, as you become more and more satisfied with all aspects of their own, appearance anxiety will slowly break.


We arepuzzled bythose who appear in front of the public web celebrity and marketing copy, questionourskin is not pure white and flawless,single-fold eyelid,small eyes, height is notperfect, shape is not good enough, but we forget that they are elected by many people in the public field of vision, in this world, you have to allow some prominent and conspicuous, And most people are in their ordinary day to work quietly.


The real progress is not anxious self-doubt, but calm self-acceptance, not driven byyourown notperfect, but attracted by beautiful goals, if you are anxious without the determination to change, it is meaningless, it is better to try to reconcile withyourselves and move towards a positive direction.


And on the Internet I learned some anti-appearance anxiety methods, can be summarized as the following points


1.Take action to improve your weaknesses. You feel high hairline, for example, might cut a bang solved, feel not enough beauty, can pass a lot of methods to improve, such as skin care, makeup, wear, fitness, weight loss, don't stay up late, and so on, the human essence of beauty is a healthy and harmonious, sometimes you were not so bad, just short of a little change.


2.Ignore the negative. They are sensitive people to people with anxious looks, so listen to the words around you, whether good or bad, praise or malicious, and don't care too much.


3.Shift your focus to self-improvement. Physical beauty is important, but having great strength is the killer card. When you're busy, you don't have time to stare at the little flaws in your face, so enrich yourself.


In fact, Normal anxiety isan emotion that we all get,but peoplewith generalized anxiety disorder worry excessively,and constantly about everything going on in their lives,they find it hardto control this worry. They also have symptoms like restlessness ,fear, they find it hard to fall asleep at night, and they can't concentrate on tasks.


I'll be talk about three coping resources,and the first one is feeling like you're in control of your life. People who feel like they're more in control of their life have better mentalhealth


All too often,we aim for perfection,but never end up doing anything,because the standards that we set for ourselves are too high,they're intimidating,which stresses us out . So we delay starting somothing , or we might even abandonthe whole thing altogether . So often, we want to do something perfectly we can't start until it's the perfect time,until we've got all the skills, but this can be daunting and stressful


so why not just jump into it just do it however, without worrying if it's good or bad。This will make it that much easier to start something and as you're doing it badly to finish it, and when you look back, you'll realize,more often than not,that actually it's not that bad


The second coping strategy is to forgive yourself, Well, people with anxietydo this to themselves all day long. They're not kind to themselves . So maybe it's time to start being kinder with ourselves,time to start supporting ourselvesand a way tō do thisis to forgive yourself


For any mistakes you think,if you had a panic attackand are imbarrassed about it, forgive yourself; if you wanted to talk to someone,but couldn't muster upthe courage to do so, don't worry about it,let it go;


And last but not least, having a purpose and meaning in life is a very important coping mechanism.


For people who thinkthere's nothing to liveforand nothing more to expect from life, the questionis getting these people to realize that life is still expecting something from them. Doing something with someone else in mind can carry you through the toughest times,You will know the why for your existence.


Looks aren't everything.Believe me! Teach girls to be brave, not perfect



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