Young Voice英语广播

Young Voice英语广播:2022(11)“第六感”真的可以相信吗?

通讯员:张思琪    编辑者:陈三    发布时间:2022年03月28日    阅读:    



gut[ɡʌt]adj.以感情为基础的;非理性的 n.直觉;本能




paranormal[ˌpærəˈnɔːml] adj.不能用科学解释的;超自然的


out of hand断然,即时,不假思索

lead somebody astray把某人引入歧途;误导某人

fine-tune v.进行微调;细调

Intuition: When is it right to trust your gut instincts?


When asked about the source of his genius, Albert Einstein had no doubts. "I believein intuitions and inspirations. I sometimes feel that I am right. I do not know that I am." It was much better to trust those instincts and test them later than to dismiss them out of hand, he said.


The physicist was by no means alone in this philosophy. It was also, apparently, a big part of Coco Chanel's strategy. "Fashion is in the air, born upon the wind. One intuits it," she said.


You may recognize the sensation yourself. Whether you are looking at a new apartment, considering a possible new job or judging someone's honesty, you may have an ineffable hunch when something is right or wrong - without being able to articulate the reasons for your judgement.


It can be tempting to view our gut instincts as a kind of mysterious 'sixth sense', but there is no need to appeal to the paranormal to explain intuition. In the past two decades, psychologists and neuroscientists have made enormous strides in identifying the sources of our gut instincts, and their essential role in our lives.


Along the way, their research has identified the specific situations in which our intuition is likely to lead us down the right path, and the times that it leads us astray - knowledge that can help us all to make better decisions.


People tend to be more accurate at judging someone's honesty - and whether they are lying about a particular event - if they are asked to go with their intuitions, compared to when they are asked to think it through and verbalize their reasons.


In other situations, the strength of our intuitions will depend on the extent of our experiences. The unconscious brain rifles through its stored knowledge to find the best answer to our problems, without us consciously recalling the precise memories that power those feelings.


If you want to fine-tune your intuition, then, you might first try to get in touch with your emotions more generally. Over time, you may find it easier to discern when you are receiving a genuine and accurate signal. Your gut feelings will never be completely foolproof,but with practice they can become an important guide.




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