Young Voice英语广播

Young Voice英语广播:2022(1)在运动项目中的女性

通讯员:张添天    编辑者:陈三    发布时间:2022年02月21日    阅读:    







stereotype [ˈsteriəˌtaɪp]n.刻板印象

Women in sports


Left. Right. Left. Right again. Getting lost in the rhythm of my turns was one of my favorite parts ofskiing. Feeling the soft, powdery snow beneath my skis, I feel like I’m capable of anything. I started skiing when I was three years old. My mom worked as a ski instructor as she also loved the snow.


And at the age of four, I was flying through the powder and trees with my mom. I remember falling once and realizing that the snow was taller than I was. When I was seven, I decided I wanted to take my skiing to the next level and join a team. There are two options: racing, a popular event for girls, and free skiing, an event heavilydominated by boys. Riding the chairlift with my mother, I would see free skiers flying and spinning through the air. I immediately knew which team I wanted to join: free skiing.


As soon as I joined the team, I was placed in a low level. However, I soon climbed the rankings until I came to the highest group. At that point, I was the only girl on my team. I was put down at first; nobody wanted to ride the chairlift with me. But as time passed, I was slowly accepted, and made some of my closest friends. However, this entire process took three whole years.


In our world today, men are significantly more likely to participate or find careers in sports than women. Many people claimed that this was just because men’s muscles were naturally larger ang stronger than that of the women’s. So over time,stereotypes developed to negatively define female athletes. Females were often denied athletic opportunities because of their gender.


How many of you play basketball or soccer? The minimum play pay for a WNBA player in the 2015 season was $38,813; the minimum pay for an NBA player was $525,093. That means the minimum pay for men’s basketball was over thirteen times more than that of the women’s. Doesn’t seem too fair, now, does it?


So, what’s the holdup? Traditionally and stereotypically, women are highly feminine, stay-at-home and mothering figures. The words “athletic” or “independent” don’t show up on that list. People are not accepting that women can be what they want to be yet, and they aren’t accepting that women can make their own choices or pave their own paths.But if we accept it, we are just one step closer to equality.


Although being a girl in a male-dominated sport can be difficult, I’m actually thankful that I’ve had the experiences that I had. Life is going to be a bumpy road for all of us, and building resiliency early on is important. My experiences have made me more tenacious and have taught me to meet my setbacks in life with open arms. I encourage you all to stepout of your comfort zone to show the boys that girls are just as powerful as they are.



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