Young Voice英语广播

Young Voice英语广播:2022(39)女性CEO改变职场谈论女性的方式

通讯员:邹昊宁    编辑者:陈三    发布时间:2022年09月26日    阅读:    



perpetuate /pəˈpetʃueɪt/v.使持续

Stereotype/ˈsteriətaɪp/ n.模式化的思想

Parse/pɑ:z/ v.分析

head honcho/hedˈhɒntʃəʊ/顶头上司

Women CEOs Change the Way Women Are Talked About in the Workplace


Think of a top executive at a powerhouse company.You’re no doubt imagining someone who’s confident and clever,decisive and determined.And,though it pains me to say it ,you’re probably picturing a man.The sad thing is.you wouldn’tbe too far off the mark.Around only 7 percent of S & P 500 CEOs are women,despite women making up 50 percent of the population.That’s Asher LaWson,a graduate student at Duke University’s Fuqua


He says that one way to even the playing field might be to change the way we think about and talk about leadership.And he and his colleagues have found that organizations are more likely to describe women using words that are typically associated with achievement if they have female CEOs.Their findings appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.Gender inequality has been deemed the " greatest human rights challenge of our time " by the United Nations .



In our research we’re interested in specifically some of the factors that perpetuate these gender inequities,as well as the downstream consequences of those gender stereotypes.To get at the roots of these stereotypes,Lawson and his team took a closer look at corporate speak - and the words businesses use when referring to women .So we’re really interested in language because it gives us this deep insight into how people are thinking about women in a way that doesn’t rely on them reporting it themselves.Now,coming straight out and asking companies how they feel about females can lead to some fanciful forecasting.So if you ask organizations whether they believe in gender equity or whether they’re interested in fairness,because of social desirability concerns,they ' ll nearly always say yes.


To find out if businesses talk the talk and walk the walk , the researchers parsed the shareholder reports and investor documents of S & P 500 companies.Using natural language processing techniques,they analyzed some 43,000 files,containing more than 1.2 billion words.And they looked for associations between words that signify women,like she and her.And words typically associated with leadership,like assertive or ambitious or effective.

为了找出企业是否说到做到,研究人员分析了标准普尔公司的股东告和投资人文件。他们使用自然语言处理技术,分析了大约4.3万份文件,包含超过12亿个单词。他们寻找表示女性的词语之间的联系,比如“ she ”和“ her ”。还有一些通常与领导力相关的词汇,比如果断、雄心勃勃或高效。

At the same time,they wondered whether there might be any backlash In other words,when a woman is seen as more competent,is she then considered to be less compassionate and considerate.Happily,we saw that there was no decreased association with being caring and these kinds of likable traits . Even better , the data suggests that the organizations that saw the biggest boost in female - linked leadership language are more likely to hire even more women . So this highlights the opportunity for a virtuous cycle where the effect can snowball .


Appointing women leads women to be more closely associated with these traits that are seen as necessary to be leaders and this can actually precipitate hiring more women in theSo it’s a very exciting process to witness.And something the head honcho will surely write about in her next annual report .



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