Young Voice英语广播

Young Voice英语广播:2022(36)追忆十年变化与十年后的期待

通讯员:王紫秋    编辑者:陈三    发布时间:2022年09月12日    阅读:    



definitive[dɪˈfɪnətɪv]adj.决定性的, 最后的


blossom[ˈblɒsəmz]v.开花; 变得更加健康(或自信、成功)

ultimate[ˈʌltɪmət]adj.最后的; 最终的

embrace[ɪmˈbreɪs]v.抱; 拥抱; 欣然接受,乐意采纳

Recall the Last Decade and Expect in the Next One


Hi,Guan Bichen.I remember interviewing you ten years ago,when you were at the School of Science,Chinese University Junior in the Department of Psychology.When asked about the most meaningful thing you did in college,you didn’t give the definitive answer,just that most of your life experiences are invested in class ,you regret that you didn’t find what you were most interested in.For future life,looking forward to having a house of your own as well as a vocation,and being able to learn practice harp.So,now ten years later,you’ve achieved what you expected of yourself is it?What have you changed in the past decade?For the next out of the year,what kind of expectation do you have?


I'm very happy to see that a seed I planted 10 years ago is now blossoming.Before as a psychology major, I felt most proud of my volunteer work as a peer counselor once a week in dorm buildings at Renmin University, helping those who had questions and needed to talk.Self-realization has always been my ultimate goal.The years between 20 and 30 should be the time when we keep moving toward our next goal, embracing opportunities and overcoming difficulties. It's the definition of that age,my next goal is to find a permanent job as a lecturer at a university. When you have a goal to achieve, it can cause anxiety, mostly because of the uncertainty one can't control,I'm still learning to deal with that anxiety.


My mom died of an illness in 2016, I couldn't believe that disasters really happen. I mean, they happen, but I never thought they would happen to me. I couldn't accept that fact for a long time and I thought it was unfair, I had just finished my master's when my mother died, and I thought our new life was about to begin. I won't have the chance to share my achievements with her anymore.


My greatest joy in the past 10 years came when my parents visited Australia during my exchange. I rented a car and drove them around the country.After this decade,my expectation for the next decade iskeep your original mindset, be healthy and positive, have more understanding of the world and yourself, accept yourself and be free and easy.


Hello,Wei Longjie,nice to see you again.When I interviewed you in 2012,you were a junior in philosophy at Peking University Law School,studied Spanish for two years,joined a choir,published three articles and a book of your own.At that time,your expectation for your future wasn’t to be afraid,go on bravery.The future may be more difficult,but it will be better for sure.And I hope you still love travelling.Now,you have become a network security and data compliance lawer of Beijing Zhonglun Law Firm,What have you experienced in the past ten years and what do you think about the next ten years?


I love Don Quixote,the tragic knight of Spanish literature,and is a hardcore fan of San Mao,a Chinese author who was internationally recognized for her tragic romantic life and descriptions of life in Western Sahara in the 1970s.so I studied Spanish at college and lived in the country for more than six years after graduation.I really love this country,but I stay to work in Beijing.


I recalled a busy night recently. Not long after finishing a long project at midnight, I received a call only a few minutes later with a new task from my boss that I was required to finish by the following morning.I closed my laptop, lit a cigarette, shed some tears quietly and went back to work after a short break.,I wasn't able to go to bed till 4 am, but I still had to join a meeting at 9 am.


Although things can be tough sometimes, I don't regret working and living in Beijing. I believe that whatever difficulties we face, they are the result of our own decisions and it's meaningful to overcome them and move toward the next goal.The most important lesson life has taught me in the past decade is:”Nothing is easy. Every choice I have made must have been the best. If you ask me to score my experiences, I give 100 to each.

尽管生活很难,但我不后悔在北京的生活和工作。我认为,无论我们面临什么样的困难,他们都是我们自己决定的结果,克服它们并朝着下一个目标前进是有意义的。过去十年的生活交给我最重要的一课就是,没有什么是容易的,我所做的每一个选择都是最好的。如果你让我给我的经历打分,每一次都会是100 分。

Looking back on the decade,I am surprised to find out that I have now added "time" to the list of the most precious things in life, and it is at the top of the list.Ten years ago, time was our advantage. We had nothing but time. Now it's reversed. A lack of time has become our disadvantage at this age.


In the next decade,I hope I can continue to move forward when making the big choices in my life.Ten years later,I can be in better state,happier,love yourself more,and everything is safe and smooth than I was in 2022,wish the wind knows my intention and would let me go easy way instead to be devastated.


Hello!Fan Yue!When you were interviewed, you were a junior violin major at the School of Arts of Chinese Minmin University in 2012, and ten years later, you are now the deputy principal violin of the National Centre for the Performing Arts Orchestra. In the interview that year, you had a wonderful vision of yourself ten years from now, with your own family, and you would have dinner and have fun together on Saturdays. So in 2022, what do you think is the biggest change of this decade? What are the expectations for the next decade?


I have become more tolerant of: other people's opinions; unfair experiences; diverse people and cultures; my own weaknesses and shortcomings; things that cannot be perfect; and regrets. I can reconcile myself with myself and the world, and find a lot of peace in my heart.


I hope that at the age of 40, I will be more peaceful than I am now, but still have the same passion for life and the world as when I was young. I hope I keep moving forward, and continue to laugh and explore life. Almost all of my recent years have been spent in Beijing. I hope that in the next decade, I can go overseas more and see more of the world.


Hi!Gao Song.In2012,whenyouwere interviewed,you were a juniorinthephysicsdepartmentoftheschoolofscience atChinese MinUniversity,a chronicleroftheingot’sstory,andtenyearslater, Now,youarethefounderandCEOoftheFOODBOWLsuperbowlbrand. So in 2022, what do you think is the biggest change of this decade? What have you been through? What are the expectations for the next decade?


At that time,I found that “be happy" and "be healthy" are the most frequent words the Yuanbaoers say to their future selves.The interesting thing that I have noticed about the several Yuanbaoers that I have met this year is that they have grown more resolute and have more specific life goals.Our early 20s were full of possibilities, and when we talked about the future we didn't really know where we were going. Now, the way is clearer for many of us.There have been many cognitive changes in ten years. I have become more tolerant of myself and others.


After more than 30 years of pursuing 'certain' results, one day I suddenly realized that 'uncertainty' is the charm of the world. I hope that at the age of 40, I will gain more definite results while maintaining my desire for uncertainty,This is probably what I look forward to in the next ten years.



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